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学名:Otacilia subovoidea
Male . Habitus as in Fig. 18A, B. Total length 3.44, carapace 1.69 long, width 1.44 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.10, PME 0.07, PLE 0.11; ALE?AME 0.02, AME–AME 0.06, PLE?PME 0.09, PME–PME 0.14, ALE?ALE 0.26, PLE?PLE 0.44, ALE?PLE 0.11, AME?PME 0.11, ALE?PME 0.19. MOA 0.25 long, front width 0.22, back width 0.29. Chelicerae with three promarginal (proximal largest, distal smallest) and six retromarginal teeth (distal largest, proximal smallest). Sternum longer than wide. Abdomen 1.66 long, 1.01 wide. Leg measurements: I 7.00 (1.79, 0.63, 2.13, 1.69, 0.76); II 5.76 (1.50, 0.58, 1.60, 1.33, 0.75); III 4.30 (1.25, 0.53, 0.90, 1.03, 0.59); IV 7.48 (2.02, 0.60, 1.84, 2.10, 0.91). Leg spination: femur I with two dorsal spines, femora II?IV with one dorsal spine each; femora I pv1111, II pv11; tibiae I v22222222, II v222222; metatarsi I v2222, II pv1222. Colouration: Carapace yellow, medially with broad dark brown mottled markings in the surface. Fovea distinct, black. Chelicerae, endites, labium and sternum yellow brown. Legs yellow, without dark annulation. Abdomen dark brown, with pair of round and oval pale spots located in the posterior dorsal scutum and three light chevron–shaped stripes in posterior part, and one yellowish transversal stripe in front of the anal tubercle. Palp: Femoral apophysis well–developed, width more than half of length. Patella unmodified. Retrolateral tibial apophysis large, longer than tibia, sword–like in ventral view, bending inward to the base of cymbium, medial part widened and slightly curved, with a strong spine–like tip. Sperm duct U–shaped, strongly sclerotised, around the base of subterminal apophysis, terminal apophysis and embolus. Subterminal apophysis, straight, broad, as long as embolus, anteriorly widened. Terminal apophysis, membranous, fan–shaped, extending to median bulb. Embolus, thick, hook–shaped, with a broad base and a blunt tip. Embolus relatively long, thick spine like, with broad base and a blunt apex. Female. Habitus as in Fig. 19A, B. Lighter than males. Total length 3.57, carapace 1.66 long, 1.46 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.09; ALE?AME 0.04, AME–AME 0.08, PLE?PME 0.09, PME–PME 0.14, ALE?ALE 0.28, PLE?PLE 0.43, ALE?PLE 0.12, AME?PME 0.13, AME?PLE 0.11. MOA 0.26 long, front width 0.21, back width 0.27. Abdomen 1.80 long, 1.15 wide. Leg measurements: I 7.12 (1.81, 0.68, 2.21, 1.67, 0.75); II 5.76 (1.50, 0.58, 1.65, 1.29, 0.74); III 4.91 (1.31, 0.48, 1.14, 1.20, 0.78); IV 7.56 (2.10, 0.66, 1.85, 2.05, 0.90). Leg spination: tibia II v22222222. Epigyne: Epigynal plate mask–like, anterior margin slightly sclerotised, transverse, medially with pair of touching hole–shaped copulatory openings, posteriorly with bar–shaped median septum, copulatory ducts, connecting tubes and spermathecae distinctly visible through integument in intact epigyne. Copulatory ducts between copulatory openings and glandular appendages, sloping laterally, proper broad, posteriorly with pair of large, oval, transparent bursae. Glandular appendages short, partly covered by bursae, located on anterior of connecting tubes. Connecting tubes slightly shorter than copulatory ducts, slightly curved backwards. Spermathecae sub–spherical, directed medially, separated by mark of median septum. Fertilisation duct short, with semi–ovoid base, directed forward.